We are proud to showcase our work with the Edge School. Our collaboration with Edgeschool.us exemplifies our commitment to excellence and innovation in web design.

Website:Edge School

Our Approach:

  1. User-Centric Design: We began by creating a user-centric design that would facilitate easy navigation and access to essential information for students, instructors, and prospective students. The design exudes professionalism, aligning with the industry’s standards.
  2. Comprehensive Information: To meet the client’s needs, we organized and presented comprehensive information about the school’s programs, faculty, and admissions processes. Prospective students can now effortlessly find the information they need to make informed decisions.
  3. Mobile Responsiveness: We ensured that the website is fully responsive to cater to users accessing the site from various devices, including smartphones and tablets.
  4. Interactive Elements: We integrated interactive elements to enhance user engagement. This includes forms for inquiries, applications, and more, making it convenient for users to connect with the school.
  5. Streamlined Navigation: Our design features intuitive navigation, allowing visitors to explore courses, view faculty profiles, and learn about the school’s mission and values with ease.
  6. Secure Environment: We prioritized security, implementing necessary measures to protect the school’s data and user information.


The Edge School now boasts a modern, professional, and user-friendly website. It reflects the institution’s dedication to offering high-quality education in the construction industry. The website serves as an informative portal for prospective students, faculty, and anyone interested in the school’s offerings.

At Technowebb, we take immense pride in collaborating with institutions like Edge School of Construction Management and contributing to their mission. We are dedicated to providing web solutions that not only meet but exceed the expectations of our clients. This project is a testament to our commitment to excellence in web design and development.